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Alm Busy Circuits ALM033-EX02 Mega-Tang Ex2

MT-EX1 & MT-EX2 are two expander modules for the MEGA-TANG mixer. The MT-EX1 adds 4 additional inputs and the MT-EX2 adds an extra effects send/return for all channels.

The MT-EX1 adds a mono line level input with level and send controls, two extra fixed inputs each with send controls and a fixed stereo input (useful for chaining multiple MEGA-TANG’s).

The MT-EX2 adds an extra send and return for all channels to your MEGA-TANG. Use for more complex layered effects.

Note the MEGA-TANG only supports a single expander at any time.


Extra mono line level input with level and send controls.

Two extra fixed inputs each with send controls.

Extra fixed stereo input.

Extra mono effects send with stereo return.

Skiff friendly.

2 Year Warranty.

Made in England.

Technical Specifications

Size: 4HP

Power: +12V 25ma / -12V 25ma

Depth: 32mm (approx)