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Doepfer A-173-1/2 Micro Keyboard / Manual Gate Modules

Manual Gate (Receiver)

A-173-1/2 is a module combo that is used to generate a manually controlled 1V/Octave CV signal and up to 15 manually controlled gate/trigger signals. Typical applications are the transposition of a sequence by means of the CV output (without the need of an external keyboard and CV interface) and the manual generation of gate/trigger signals for start, stop, envelope generator triggering and other trigger tasks.

A-173-1 is the transmitter module and is made of a 1 ½ octaves micro keyboard and an octave switch.

A-173-2 is the receiver module and generates several gate/trigger signals and a 1V/Oct. CV signal. The upper section of the module is used for the gates/triggers which are controlled by the corresponding buttons of the A-173-1. Each output can be programmed as gate (pressing/releasing the corresponding key turns the gate on/off) or toggle (pressing the corresponding key changes the state) or trigger (pressing the corresponding key generates a short trigger signal). The state of each output is displayed by an LED. The lower section of the module is used the generate a 1V/Oct. CV signal and gate signal in the usual way.

By means of the learn feature of the A-173-2 (i.e. defining the key for 0V CV) a few buttons can be separated from the CV generation section so that these buttons only control gate/trigger outputs without affecting the CV. That way e.g. start/stop or other triggers become indepent from the CV section.

The modules communicate via standard midi note on/off messages and are connected internally by means of a 2-wire cable. That way the modules can be mounted at different positions within the case.

Micro Keyboard

A-173-1/2 is a module combo that is used to generate a manually controlled 1V/Octave CV signal and up to 15 manually controlled gate/trigger signals. Typical applications are the transposition of a sequence by means of the CV output (without the need of an external keyboard and CV interface) and the manual generation of gate/trigger signals for start, stop, envelope generator triggering and other trigger tasks.
(Above information copied directly from the Doepfer website.)

  • ? mA +12V
  • ? mA -12V
  • ? mA 5V