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Clock Generator

Brand: Instruo Model: INSTRUO-TAGH
The Instruō tágh is a “Swiss Army Knife” modulation source. It features an analogue sample and hold, white noise generator, digital random voltage generator, morphing LFO, and probabilistic trigger generator, all with a unique phase-adaptive tap tempo functionality.After many iterations of random vo..
Ex Tax:259.66€
Brand: Intellijel Model: INTELLIJEL-FLURRY
Flurry collects and connects a number of practical modular synthesis tools, focussed on clocks, noises, and randomness to create a module that is rife with opportunities for exploration and experimentation. Equally capable as a synthesis source, modulator, clock, or signal modifier; It is bound to f..
Ex Tax:231.09€
Intellijel Designs Metropolix Solo Intellijel Designs Metropolix Solo
The Metropolix Solo is a unique and powerful desktop multitrack MIDI and CV musical sequencer. With an abundance of hands-on, tactile controls and a wealth of internal and external modulation possibilities, you can quickly and easily create infectious sequences.Even the simplest melody can be brough..
Ex Tax:612.61€
Brand: Intellijel Model: INTELLIJEL-QX
The Qx expander adds an EOR (End Of Rise) and an EOF (End Of Fall)  trigger/gate output to each of Quadrax’s four channels, enabling Quadrax’s envelopes, cycles, bursts and LFOs to trigger external modules.The definition of EOR and EOF vary depending on which mode is assigned to the correspondi..
Ex Tax:65.55€
Brand: Make Noise Model: MAKE-NOISE-MULTIMOD
With MultiMod...from one control signal, we create many.MultiMod represents a new approach to complex modulations: it takes a single control signal and copies it 8 times, additionally modifying those copies by weighted adjustment of their relative phase and speed. The result is a flock of related mo..
Ex Tax:348.74€
Brand: Make Noise Model: MAKE-NOISE-TEMPI
TEMPI is a 6 CHannel, polyphonic time-shifting clock module. It provides an intuitive method for creation and recall of complex clocking arrangements within a modular synthesizer system. Using HUMAN and/ or MACHINE programming you could re-create most classic Clock Divider and Multiplier arrangement..
Ex Tax:226.05€
Brand: Make Noise Model: MAKE-NOISE-WOGGLEBUG-MK2
The "WoggleBug" is a random voltage generator, originally designed by Grant Richter of Wiard Synthesizers. It is a continuation of the "smooth" and "stepped" fluctuating random voltage sources pioneered by Don Buchla within the Model 266 "Source of Uncertainty," expanding it to include the other-wor..
Ex Tax:242.02€
Brand: Manifold Research Centre Model: MANIFOLD-RESEARCH-CENTRE-DELTA
delta^ is a polyphonic cv and clock generator.Each one of this buttons is an independent tap-tempo with its own output.1.the top 3 are CV outs;2.the bottom 6 are gate outs;Every tap tempo can have its own set of values for the following settings:PHASEThe phase control will allow you to shift a clock..
Ex Tax:351.26€
Brand: Michigan Synth Works Model: MICHIGAN-SYNTH-WORKS-PACHINKO
12HP version of Marbles Random Sampler..
Ex Tax:210.00€
Michigan Synth Works Picque
Brand: Michigan Synth Works Model: MICHIGAN-SYNTH-WORKS-PICQUE
4HP micro module based on Opensource Peaks. Stock Peaks firmware..
Ex Tax:165.00€
Brand: Neutral Labs Model: NEUTRAL-LABS-PIP
Dual clocked CV generator/recorderTwo morphable CV generators/complex LFOs in 8 HP that can be synced to each other in predefined ratios, unsynced or phase-shifted between each other. The user can choose from a large variety of preset waveforms, random waves or record and morph your own external CV ..
Ex Tax:209.24€
Noise Engineering Confundo Funkidos
Four-part probabilistic rhythm crossfaderConfundo Funkidos is a rhythm crossfader and mute utility. Patch two pairs of rhythms to the left and right inputs, then use the CV-controllable crossfader and three Curve algorithms to fade between them and combine them in different ways. Each channel has a ..
Ex Tax:326.05€
Showing 25 to 36 of 51 (5 Pages)