Digital oscillator inspired by the last millennium.Ataraxic Iteritas Alia is a voltage-controlled oscillator based on the original Ataraxic Translatron but beefed up with a suboscillator and performable hold button. Sound starts with one of three bit tables shaped via variable interpolation that is ..
Basimilus Iteritas Alia is a parameterized digital drum voice with its roots in the analog world. At its heart, the BIA is a simple six-oscillator additive and FM synthesizer with waveform, harmonic spread, and envelope controls. An adjustable noise oscillator and an extreme take on a wavefolder rou..
Dynamically generated wavetable oscillator.Cursus Iteritas Alia is a voltage-controlled oscillator that works from a dynamically generated wavetable. It gives the user spectral-like controls over three different modes based on different conceptualizations of frequency: Fourier, which uses sine waves..
Cursus Iteritas Percido is the second module in the Percido line of powerful synth voices. Similar to its predecessor the Loquelic Iteritas Percido, CIP takes the original Cursus Iteritas and adds the same musical envelope from LIP with attenuverter-controlled routing to every knob. With the inclusi..
Debel Iteritas Alia is a hybrid additive phase-modulation voice inspired by some of our favorite synth sounds across the decades. Three synthesis algorithms span classic FM plucks and basses to all-out additive mayhem. DIA’s simple two-parameter envelope covers a huge range of shapes and timing, mak..
Standalone complex digital voiceLoquelic Iteritas Percido is an extension of the original Loquelic Iteritas. Like Loquelic Iteritas, it is a digital VCO with interpretations of threeclassic synthesis algorithms involving dual pitch control parameterized by four tone controls..
Comb oscillator, VOSIM, Summation Synthesis, Phase Modulation with adjustible waveform, and a wave folderThe Loquelic Iteritas is an 10HP comb oscillator producing a wide variety of woody, throaty tones as well as basic waveforms. It uses variable sample rate technology to turn digital ali..
Manis Iteritas is a 10HP voice based on the architecture of Basimilus Iteritas, but designed to be more gritty and aggressive. It accomplishes this by using only sawtooth waves that are manipulated, modulated, and distorted through a rethought interface. Manis is suitable for leads, bass lines, drum..
Manis Iteritas Alia is a voice based on the architecture of Basimilus. It was designed to be more gritty and aggressive by using only sawtooth waves that are manipulated, modulated, and distorted through a rethought interface. Manis Iteritas Alia is suitable for leads, basslines, drums, darkness, de..
Stereo oscillator with wavemorphing, folding, and PMSinc Legio is a simple oscillator with some tricks up its proverbial sleeve. If you need some basic waveforms, Sinc has you covered – and it makes it easy to spice up those waveforms with phase modulation, wavefolding, or hard sync. Sinc pairs well..
Multi-operator phase-modulation platform oscillator ideal for lovers of droneToros Iteritas Alia is a multi-operator, three-algorithm phase-modulation oscillator. Taking inspiration from our favorite things about FM synthesizers and doing away with complicated interfaces and mysterious controls, Tor..
Its three oscillator algorithms – Bass, SawX, and Harm – will be familiar to users of our free Virt Vereor plugin and of the Arturia Microfreak both of which have the same oscillator modes.Virt Iter Legio features independent left and right phase-modulation inputs, opening up opportunities..