FeaturesFull Karplus-Strong Synthesis VoiceAnalog circuit based on a 512stages BBD chipOn board Noise Generator with a variable decay (pluck)Two Analo..
Darkness is the deficiency or absence of light. I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness…Dreadbox DARKNESS is a Digital True Stereo Reverb effect pedal and..
High Gain Self-Oscillating FilterAggressive Gated FuzzDISORDER is a very aggressive fuzz pedal with a twist. It is equipped with an oscillating filter..
FeaturesNoise Generator (white, white to pink, white to blue, scatter, digital, pitch)Bit Crusher with range from 1sec up to 8kHzDigital Noise can als..
2hp Bell SilverBell is a melodic percussion generator based on modal synthesis. By synthesizing the vibrations of complex geometric shapes, Bell provi..
Pluck is a physical modeling synth voice. It uses the Karplus-Strong algorithm to create plucked string sounds. The dampening control sets the size of..
Vowel is a speech synthesizer and formant oscillator. The module features two algorithms for generating sounds and word fragments based on the human v..
Virtual Patch PlayerThe MetaModule puts real knobs and jacks on virtual software modules. Step back from the computer and make music with hardware, wh..