12hp Clouds with independent Parameter Controlshttps://michigansynthworks.com/products/monsoon-10hp-clouds-with-independent-parameter-controls120 mA +..
Neutron QAT is a 8HP, 4 channel attenuverter with switchable linear or audio taper potentiometer response. individual,pre and post attenverter mix out..
EG is a full featured two-stage envelope generator. In addition to a colossal range from 3ms to 11 minutes per stage, EG features the ability to switc..
VCO is an analog voltage controlled oscillator based on the reissue of the legendary Curtis CEM3340 IC.Many believe this chip to be the greatest sound..
The ‘Pip Slope’ (rev II) is a compact envelope and function generator. It supports both Attack/Decay and Attack/Sustain/Decay type envelopes with both..
We are pleased to present our complex Low Frequency Oscillator (cLFO)Modulate your modulation they said! The cLFO is all about that.The cLFO contains&..