Multiply one audio/CV signal into six perfect copies or two signals into two sets of three. Multiply your sequencer out to multiple oscillators and se..
1974 Quadruple Low Frequency Oscillator• 4 voltage controlled LFOs in one package• free, quadrature, phase and divide modes• assignable waveform outpu..
2hp - TUNE is a multi-scale pitch quantizer. It features 11 scales ranging from chromatic to octatonic with everything in between. In addition, the bi..
12hp Clouds with independent Parameter Controls mA +..
Neutron QAT is a 8HP, 4 channel attenuverter with switchable linear or audio taper potentiometer response. individual,pre and post attenverter mix out..
Arp is a gate-driven arpeggiator with a multitude of chord types and playback modes. Voltage control over both root note and chord type allow for sequ..
Euclid is a rhythmic pattern generator based on ideas originally presented by Euclid, the Greek mathematician. The Euclidean algorithm can be adapted ..
2hp - SEQ is a 16 step sequencer that is great for controlling oscillators, filters, and anything with a CV input. Portamento, length and playback mod..
TM is a probabilistic random sequence generator based on the research of Alan Turing. His Turing machine was a mathematical model of computation that ..
The Catalyst Controller is a macro controller with eight precision CV outputs and a responsive crossfader to morph between scenes. A scene is a snapsh..