Hot-swappable overlays for your Alia modulesThe Alia platform makes it easy to try different firmwares, but it can be hard to know what the controls do once you swap them. Overlays are a great answer.Alia overlays are cut from durable PCB material. They slip right over the hardware (no knob removal ..
ADSR-controlled VCA and resonant multimode-filter gate, with a stereo bypassable chorus on topThe Ampla Versio firmware offers a number of different dynamic and tone options: the Blend control fades between a pure VCA and a VCA/filter combo behaving similarly to a traditional lowpass gate, but with ..
Ataraxic Iteritas is a 10HP voice based on the original Ataraxic Translatron but beefed up with loads more features and tonal controls. AI starts with one of three bit tables shaped via variable interpolation that is then scrolled through, amplitude modulated, folded, and distorted by the CV-control..
Digital oscillator inspired by the last millennium.Ataraxic Iteritas Alia is a voltage-controlled oscillator based on the original Ataraxic Translatron but beefed up with a suboscillator and performable hold button. Sound starts with one of three bit tables shaped via variable interpolation that is ..
Basimilus Iteritas Alia is a parameterized digital drum voice with its roots in the analog world. At its heart, the BIA is a simple six-oscillator additive and FM synthesizer with waveform, harmonic spread, and envelope controls. An adjustable noise oscillator and an extreme take on a wavefolder rou..
Bin Seq Is An Eight-Step Switchable Gate Sequencer. Each Switch Has Three Positions: Off, Tied Gate, Or ShortGate. Reset In Allows You To Make The Sequence As Short As You Want. Ideal For Creating And ManipulatingRhythmic Sequences In Live Sets.Size: 4HP Eurorack..
Clep Diaz is a handy and small step CV and LFO generator. In step and random modes, use the encoder to control the number of steps in the sequence; in LFO mode, the encoder controls the amplitude of the wave. Toggle the directionality of the sequence: up, down, or up/down to customize the CVs ..
Four-part probabilistic rhythm crossfaderConfundo Funkidos is a rhythm crossfader and mute utility. Patch two pairs of rhythms to the left and right inputs, then use the CV-controllable crossfader and three Curve algorithms to fade between them and combine them in different ways. Each channel has a ..
Dynamically generated wavetable oscillator.Cursus Iteritas Alia is a voltage-controlled oscillator that works from a dynamically generated wavetable. It gives the user spectral-like controls over three different modes based on different conceptualizations of frequency: Fourier, which uses sine waves..
Cursus Iteritas Percido is the second module in the Percido line of powerful synth voices. Similar to its predecessor the Loquelic Iteritas Percido, CIP takes the original Cursus Iteritas and adds the same musical envelope from LIP with attenuverter-controlled routing to every knob. With the inclusi..
Debel Iteritas Alia is a hybrid additive phase-modulation voice inspired by some of our favorite synth sounds across the decades. Three synthesis algorithms span classic FM plucks and basses to all-out additive mayhem. DIA’s simple two-parameter envelope covers a huge range of shapes and timing, mak..
DESMODUS VERSIODesmodus Versio is Noise Engineering’s long anticipated take on a reverb. This is a true stereo in/stereo out or mono in/stereo out effect. Less of a room simulator and more of a synthetic tail generator with features designed for sound design and performance, the parameters on DV all..